Hyper Light Drifter

31 Mar 2016

Linux PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac Wii U PlayStation Vita PlayStation 4 Xbox One
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8.9 rating
1700 want
1701 played
168 playing
47 reviews
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100% completion

Based on 8 answers

Echoes of a dark and violent past resonate throughout a savage land, steeped in treasure and blood. Hyper Light Drifter is an action adventure RPG in the vein of the best 16­-bit classics, with modernized mechanics and designs on a much grander scale.

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Gonna finish it someday with my brother.
14 May 2023
Very fun and challenging game with a unique storytelling style. The only thing that could be made better is the length of the game. Overall very good.
23 Jun 2021
Super clunky controls, super lazy combat. Beautiful game but I didn't really enjoy it.
14 Dec 2020
Super stylish. Banger OST. V fun and challenging.
15 Dec 2024
Hyper Light Drifter. This is a title I have very mixed feelings towards. On the one hand, I loved it. I loved all the different weapons, I loved the boss fights and the pacing of the game, as well as the visuals and music. Really hit the nail on the hand in those regards. I even went back to hunt the platinum trophy after finishing it, that was how much I enjoyed it. I wanted to experience everything, overcome every obstacle. But, on the second hand, after doing all that I ended up with 1 achievement left, that was just too hard and so disgustingly unfun that I just couldn't do it. I'm obviously talking about the 800 dashes in a row achievement. This 1 achievement is so unbelievably fucked, and bear in mind I played on PS4. That means I even had to dash around in a circle the entire time, not even being able to do left and right like you'd be able to on PC. Even then this achievement is just disgusting. So, sadly, I can't give this game the 9/10 I feel it deserves. Solely because of that one achievement, I'm dropping it down to 7.5/10. Still had a great time, but fuck did it leave a bitter taste in my mouth, even after all this time.
21 Sep 2023
Very difficult
07 Sep 2023
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