Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega Mix

13 Feb 2020

Nintendo Switch
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7.8 rating
36 want
165 played
49 playing
8 reviews
Sega AM2
Sega Games
Sega Games



Hatsune Miku: Project Diva MegaMix is a rhythm game featuring 101 songs (100 songs from the history of the series, including newly recorded songs plus the game’s newly written theme song), over 300 modules (costumes), and new game modes made specifically for Switch (details to be announced at a later date). 3D character models have also been updated with an anime-style touch.

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i’ve played WAY better rhythm games
04 Jan 2023
Mega Mix is the same game as Future Tone but just with new coat of paint and a new game mode. I love the gameplay and my maybe unpopular opinion is that Project Diva games are the best rythm games - nothing beats the rush of the gameplay. Mega Mix would be 10/10 but it doesn't have all the same songs that u can get on Future Tone/Future Tone dx also the game just frankly is not as good looking as future tone, also the second gameplay mode was kiinda hard to get to work properly so had to take few point off for those reasons
23 Nov 2024
You can play as Kasane Teto and I think that’s neat
14 Jan 2025
really hard and sometimes the beats just aren't on beat
04 Jan 2023
люблю ламати пальці)))
саме проходження та відкривання нових пісень на псп дає дуже приємні відчуття для перфекціоністів, тут же такого немає. ще на світчі жорсткі кнопки, де треба брати попередній розгін, щоб вдарити по клавіші. мені здається, в мене вже підкачались пальці😅, але то проблема самого світча з його кнопками, взятими з нокіа, лол. ще всі ці анімації дуже давлять на очі, і новачком я часто збивалася з гри. але я все одно полюбляю цю гру, навіть з такими нюансами(я мазохіст)
15 Aug 2024
Joguei a maior parte das músicas. Mas no final mesmo, ficou difícil pra caramba, principalmente no Extreme. Mas é um jogo divertido pra passar o tempo.
27 Feb 2025
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