28 Feb 2022
28 Feb 2022 - PC (Microsoft Windows)
Join the fight for Tyria’s future in Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons. The Deluxe Edition includes a boatload of items, including skins for your personal skiff and raptor mount. - The expansion - Shared Inventory Slot - Additional Character Slot - Canthan Raptor Skin - Max Level Boost - Shining Jea Dragon Boat Skiff Skin - Identity Repair Kit * Pre-Purchase Bonus items includes a Shining Jea Mosaic Cape, Flame Serpent Weapon Chest and Prodigy of Shing Jea Title.
Over two centuries ago, the Empire of the Dragon severed all bonds with central Tyria and Elona. Cantha has its own history of turmoil and triumph, reflected in ancient landmarks, enduring artistry, and modern life.