FlatOut 2

30 Jun 2006

Linux PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 2 Xbox Mac Xbox One
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8.2 rating
102 want
965 played
30 playing
18 reviews
Bugbear Entertainment
Empire Interactive
Vivendi Games
Strategy First
Virtual Programming


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100% completion

19h 36m
Based on 6 answers

Experience the drive of your life as you throw yourself around on and off the track causing fences to shatter, tyre walls explode, water tanks and barrels fly across the track into other cars. And if anyone, including you, gets caught up in a big smash sit back and watch as the driver gets catapulted through the windscreen in spectacular effect. With over 5000 destructible objects on each track and 40 deformable pieces on every car sparks are guaranteed to fly increasing the mayhem with every lap! 

 Featuring an enhanced version of the original's lauded physics engine and even faster driving track designs, FlatOut 2 also boasts a plethora of improvements, enhancements and additions to make this the definitive FlatOut experience. Twice as many vehicles, a more sophisticated career mode, additional race environments, double the number of tracks; twice as many mini-games along with many multiplayer modes (via LAN only) are just some of the exhaustive features that are included in FlatOut 2. - 34 vehicles to wreck, 12 rag-doll mini games, 60 track combinations, and thousands and thousands of destructible objects. - Enjoy the mayhem while listening to a slamming soundtrack from artists including Rob Zombie, Papa Roach, Fall Out Boy, Nickelback, Wolfmother and more! - Race hard and collide with up to 6 of your friends online in the souped up car of your dreams.

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I miss when games were like this...FUN.I had a blast playing FlatOut 2 from start until finish.While I do believe that first entry was alright,this one was huge improvment from previous game.Loved the concept of taking junkyard cars and use them for racing.It' not just racing,there are a lot of interesting minigames as well.Flatout 2 has 3 class of cars to choose from.Derby mostly used for demolition and racing,race for road racing and arena events,and street which are fastest,but expensive cars.You spent money you earn from racing,and you can upgrade engine,gearbox,exshaust,suspension,tires,brakes and body strength of a car.There are more cars added than in first FlatOut game,my favorites to drive are Road King,Venom,Lantus,Fortune,Scorpion,Speedshifter,Canyon and Speedevil.Some of the races can feel like a chore to complete,because sometimes you have to race 5-6 times per tournament,and laps last 3 to 5 per race.I also believe game would have been even more interesting if they made a good writen story but I guess that wasn't developers focus at all.All drivers look great and they are memorable,it's better to race with same guys and girls and remember each one of them,rather than racing random nobodies IMO.I like how AI makes mistakes as well,it's not just player who does it.Every object can be wrecked,and wrecking animations are dope.More you crash into enemies,your nitro meter gets increased.Soundtrack alone is 10/10.It's like developers came to me and ask me what music I want to listen while playing the game.Seriously amazing bands like Nickleback,Rob Zombie,Papa Roach,and of course my personal favorite Reinventing Your Exit by Underoath.That song is fantastic and nostalghic.Biggest highlight,believe it or not are side activities.You drive car with with rocket and you throw your driver through windshield to play minigames like soccer,basketball,darts,ski jumping,ring of fire,field goal,baseball,curling,stone-skipping,royal flush,high jump,bowling,etc.It was hilarious and fun in same time,that's why I like it so much.I'm looking forward to playing multiplayer with my friend,if I enjoyed the game this much in single walkthrough,I can't even imagine how good it is in multiplayer.Fantastic sequel,if you enjoy fun games this is one of them,can't recommend it enough
16 Jan 2025
One of the best racing game from my childhood, and the soundtrack is sick, some bands are still in my playlist
23 Jan 2023
hood classic
18 Feb 2023
I played this game a lot with a friend in my childhood. It was hilarious seeing your character fly out of the window of the car when you crashed it. Controls are very heavy and kinda hard to control, but you get used to it.
29 Jan 2024
Все було класно, поки гра була лише про ржаві драндулети. Коли дійшов до racing/street категорій, то якось таке. Зрозумів, що перший мені більше зайшов (і Wreckfest).
19 Oct 2024
Tremendo, muy divertido para pasar el tiempo, mucho caos y destrucción de carros, simplemente EPICO.
03 Apr 2024
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