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Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition

06 Mar 2018

PlayStation 4 Xbox One
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7.3 rating
187 want
718 played
94 playing
45 reviews
Square Enix
Square Enix


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

25h 12m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 9 answers

This special edition of the game includes all previously released downloadable content, as well as new areas to explore and quests to conquer.

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So is this game good? Thats a question I have in my head since the time I got its platinum...
Story can be confusing and the pacing is everywhere. However, the epic moments deliver and are, indeed, amazing to behold in conjunction with the OST.
The gameplay is simple, however becomes so dull and uninteresting. But, they are cool to watch and some bosses are incredible.
Side quests are boring and the second to last act was just... corridors.
But the game delivers in something a lot of games fail or try to accomplish... characters. The boys band where the sole reason I could platinum the game. Their interactions, banter, story moments and development made me play this game! Such great characters... I almost cried in the ending.
If you cam endure the first 2 hours, play it
25 Jan 2025
Final Fantasy XV
✪ {ᏚᏟᏫᏒᎬ : 4.2}
᯽ : “FFXV is everything i hate about RPGs [if you can call it that], or even games in general, in one package.
everything about this game sucks. there's not a single redeeming point about it.
the only thing you'll see, is that 'there was infact a fascinating idea of a world they wanted to make, and you'll see glimpses of the beautiful thing this game could've been, but sadly only 10% of it made it into the actual game.' it's an unfinished pre-alpha of a game at best. merely a prototype. and when you read about it's developmental hell, that's pretty much what it is.”

…   …………….

• Story : 4.1
~ the story is just a bunch of incoherent nonsense with massive massive holes in it. tho there were like 2 or 3 scenes that i felt like were done decently, and some good lines, but there's just wayyy to many stuff in it that's just straight up bad. bad writing, bad acting, just bad.
as for the characters, they are as one dimensional as they come. there's also markiplier.
+ now having watched kingsglave and specially the brotherhood mini-show, it filled in alot of those holes. it actually had some character development. in oppose to the game which did NOTHING with it's characters.
the show was a million times better at storytelling than the entire game. it was everything the game failed to be. it was beautiful. i cannot believe they were both directed by the same person. the difference is INSANE.
it shows just how much potential was here. wasted potential. due to the game's extremely poor storytelling.
i honestly wish they'd scrap the game and fully commit to the show. because this world had the potential to be something very beautiful. if only it'd have been told right..
FFXV might be my worst favorite story ever.
𐄁 Characters : 4.4
𐄁 Voice Acting : 2.6
~ i started with the Japanese, and it sounded decent enough, but i just couldn't keep up with the subtitles so i changed it to English and it was, atrocious. and it really hurts the characters.

• Atmosphere : 5.9
𐄁 Immersion : 1.6
𐄁 Intensity : 2.4

• Gameplay : 2.1
~ the gameplay is a whole nother level of mess. i don't even know what to pick at. the
horribly repetitive and tedious combat, the GARBAGE levels, with even worse traversal than genshin impact, fed to you in poor pacing. NOTHING about it is even slightly fun.
𐄁 Combat : 2.3
𐄁 AI : 0.8
𐄁 Movement : 2.6
𐄁 Traversal : 0.6
~ you couldn't make "driving" a car around in a game this insufferable if you tried.
• Level Design : 2.0
𐄁 Pacing : 3.0
• Side Content : 𝜘↓↓

• Visuals : 5.7
~ incredibly inconsistent.
𐄁 Textures : 3.7
𐄁 Lighting : 5.6
𐄁 Small Details : 1.0
• Environment Design : 4.8
~ the wolrd feels very empty, soulless and artificial. it's got the idea, but you can just feel how extremely unfinished it is.
it also does not work well at all with the traversal or any other system.
𐄁 Cinematography : 6.7

• Animations : 4.1
𐄁 Movement Animations : 2.2
𐄁 Combat Animations : 6.7

• SoundTrack : 7.7
~ it's not that it's bad, alot of it is actually fantastic, but it usually just doesn't fit the scenes much. mostly because they slapped it everywhere and anywhere to hide the nonexistent sound design.
• Sound Design : 3.1
~ probably THE worst sound design I've ever seen (or heard) in a AAA game.

• Multiplayer : 𝜘
• DLCs : 3.8 | 3.9 | 5.1

• Performance : ↑↑↓↓↓

𐄁 Customization : 𝜘
𐄁 Replayability : 𝜘↓
𐄁 Innovation : -
𐄁 Accessibility : -
𐄁 Setting Options : ⍟⍟
𐄁 UI/HUD : 3.3
𐄁 Extras : 〆
𐄁 Collectibles : 𝜘
𐄁 Trophies : 𝜘

…   ……………….

𐄁 Do i recommend this game? absolutely not.
𐄁 Did it make me take my time with it? absolutely not.
𐄁 Did it meet my expectations? absolutely not. [expected trash, got super ultra trash.]

…    ……………………

- Platforms : PS4 Pro
- First Playthrough : 11.5.24
𐄁 Finished at : 15.5.24
𐄁 Playtime : 19h 18′
𐄁 Difficulty : Easy
𐄁 Lite Mode
- Beaten : 1 time
- Trophy Progress : 24℅⁵⁰'°
⟆⟅ | Won't Platinum :C
15 May 2024
Boring world, tepid combat and a weak story.

No levelling up, need to improve weapons or armour and I think I only used magic a few times.

Felt like two stories tagged together, the first bit was okay open world exploring, the 2nd half endless boring tunnels.
26 Jan 2025
The last third of this game drives the score down a point. The first 2/3rds are amazing, but slow at times.

Main chast of characters are the driving force in this game through and through. Combat is some of the blandest I've ever played, while still quite the spectical. Word is amazing, lore is confusing, premise is disjointed, and dispite how is feels cobbled together, the sun is greater than it's parts and I had a hard time putting it down.

I was ready for it to be over at the end, pushing through the final zone and series of bosses purely out of interest of how the story would conclude for Noctis. Overall a satisfying ending to the story, I would recommend this game to pretty much anyone, if they can get over the story issues.
29 Jan 2024
Great game, really interesting characters and world that are unfortunately barely explored
28 May 2023
walk tall my friends 💔

it may not be the best FF game but I really liked it *emotions*
easily one of the best in my opinion
اشتقت لنوكتس والغوالي:(
25 Jun 2022
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