Eternal Strands

28 Jan 2025

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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7.7 rating
519 want
110 played
40 playing
11 reviews
Yellow Brick Games
Yellow Brick Games


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Based on 1 answers

Fight epic, towering creatures while blending magical abilities with an arsenal of powerful weapons to keep the world from crumbling in this third-person, action-adventure game.

Man, i feel bad for this one. I understand thats its a smallee studio making their first game, and thats great but at the same time, i cant "love" this game truly. Its mainly a monster hunting game, but what kind of a monster hunting game offers like 5 monsters and 5 F*CKIN ROBOTS. Ofc they have different types but man I want more interesting monsters not the same designed big man things. Charachters are great. There are really good moments, and the game shines. But why couldnt they put more effort in the main story? I swear they put all their energy into the side quests. I like representation, but that love story between the bird and the girlie, like what was that? That just happened and in the next mission SPOILER: ....... the girl dies, like great. That happened. I feel like they wanted to introduce a whole world, but they couldnt do it truly, the game is nearly not long enough for that to build up a whole world. They should have made the game in a smaller scope, and then if its goes well make a second game, there is no reason to explain 4-5 religions in a game for me. I dont care, and a lot if people will not care. If there ever wi be a second game (i hope it will happen) I would like to see a better story, more interesting monsters, more spells with more ways to use them, more interesting Locals, more weapons armors, I know some of these things did not happen bc its a smaller studio, but we need more things in a game like that. Fill up the camp area more, more smaller animals, etc etc, dont make it Monster Hunter ,but we hear that the Enclave its this beautiful magical place, and we have only bugs, wolfs, ice wolf thingies, lizards , and thats it, we need more.
09 Feb 2025
Extremely fun to play promising first outing. Loved the crafting and blueprint finding
05 Feb 2025
""""Early access""""
28 Jan 2025
Bom jogo, porém, enrolado demais na reta final com missões repetitivas e sem mto aprofundamento.
14 Feb 2025
Einfach fast jeder Aspekt des Spiels ist schrecklich
12 Feb 2025
Finished 2/9/2025
10 Feb 2025
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