Digimon All-Star Rumble

11 Nov 2014

PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
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5.1 rating
44 want
97 played
9 playing
4 reviews
Bandai Namco Games


Time to beat

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Jam-packed with an all-star cast from the Digimon Universe, Digimon All-Star Rumble throws down with immersive 3D battle arenas and high-impact, in-your-face fighting action. After overcoming countless crises, the Digital World now exists peacefully once again. Although Digimon quarrel amongst themselves on occasion, the world as a whole is a peaceful place... perhaps too peaceful... The incredible defenders of the Digital World have grown bored and peace brings no satisfaction. A world without chaos has extinguished the driving force behind their existence – to Digivolve. To pacify the growing unrest, a proposal was made... “Let us gather all Digimon who seek to Digivolve and hold a tournament to crown the strongest of them all!” And so began, the “Digimon Evolution Tournament.” A tournament of Digi-monumental proportions.

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Outside of Tekken 2-3 and Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22, and King of fighters, Digimon Rumble Arena 1 was my fourth ever fighting franchise I ever played on the PS1, followed by the sequel later on the PS2. The first one was absolute perfection, even now the graphics to me still hold up. The music was exciting and there was a decent roster, along with a challenging boss Battle.

Followed by the second one who decided to change the formula of the Triogy. (Well back then there were only 2 games before all stars) it decided to use the formula of smash bros, it was a different change however yet they switched the formula and made it their own, even expanding the roster and amplifying the difficulty of the villains by still being fair to the player himself.

So that brings us to this downgrade of a game, considering the hefty price this game has, they didn't try hard enough to make this polished. They decided to switch the formula again which is a fair thing to do. Every game in a franchise should have a chance to stand out. However this stands out for the wrong reasons. They decided to add somewhat of a beat em up formula while still keeping the smash bros formula???? Well that don't work does it? Felt like I was playing a shitty pirate warriors then switch to a smash bros demo. It was a weird thing to do. The graphics don't hold up...heck even the ps1 Rumble arena looks better than this...a ps3 game.

While you have to go through the beat em up map... if you receive damage you barely receive heals and when you go into a smash bros boss fight you don't enter the fight fully healed which makes it difficult because if you die you have to start the whole mission again rather than spawning back to the boss fight, which can be annoying because some of the maps are long, which would make it super annoying, how very dark souls of them. Least dark souls does it better.🤷🏻‍♂️

Lastly the music isn't even good and what's a worse downgrade is they shrunk the roster size for whatever fucking reason. Lord knows, just when the second one decided to give us more beloved characters. The second one left Renamon out and this is a all star game. Considering Renamon was the star of the first game, she should have been on this game. At this point fuck it....just bring in Rumble arena 3 to conclude it as a trilogy cause this should not count!
25 Nov 2024
The worst of the rumble games do not play it
21 Aug 2024
04 Feb 2025
fun fun
11 Apr 2023