CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder

14 Mar 2006

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 2 DOS
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6.5 rating
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50 played
1 playing
1 reviews
Telltale Games



You'll have 5 bloody cases to solve as you play a rookie investigator with the Las Vegas crime lab. The first four ultimately connect together towards solving the 5th. Your co-workers are characters from the CSI television series and voice acting is done by the real actors and actresses from the show. Choose one of 3 levels of difficulty depending upon how familiar you are with the tv shows (and computer gaming in general). Those modes affect how much interactive help you receive inside the game - not from your co-workers, but by way of hotspots and evidence analysis. The game features a tutorial to help with the interface, which is point and click.

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Lembro de não entender absolutamente nada desse game. Certamente não foi um game para mim. Nota 4/10.
(Jogado no PS2.)
04 Jul 2023