Cars 3: Driven to Win

13 Jun 2017

Xbox 360 Nintendo Switch Xbox One PlayStation 3 Wii U PlayStation 4
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7.0 rating
131 want
329 played
60 playing
24 reviews
TT Games
Avalanche Software
WB Games


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Based on 2 answers

Cars 3: Driven to Win is a game that empowers players to master their driving skills for the ultimate competitive racing experience. With six thrilling modes for gamers to learn and advance their abilities, players can progress their character through training and tests of racing proficiency that unlock new modes, tracks, characters and more. Players can hone a wide variety of skills and abilities including Drifting, Turbo, Two-wheel Driving, Driving Backwards and Side-Bash. Each unique mode and ability allows players to explore the deeper gameplay mechanics and earn rewards for their expertise. Cars 3: Driven to Win provides an exhilarating, action-packed experience where training and skill give players an edge in a racing experience that anyone can win. Additionally, players will be able to experience Cars 3: Driven to Win with their friends or on their own to perfect the various racing styles and modes available to them. Available for pre-order now, the game will include local split-screen cooperative play, allowing players to compete or team up and play at home together, making it easy for friends and family members to join the race - and the fun - at any time.

It's just a MarioKart clone. It'snt Bad but if u'rnt a Cars fan don't buy it.
20 Mar 2023
I expected more than just an Arcade game, this franchise has a special place in my heart as I grew up but this did not pay homage.

I ended up gifting this game to my cousin lol.
15 Nov 2024
Only Fun with Family or friends but mostly a worst Mario kart
27 May 2024
The 3 point only because of my feeling for McQueen
10 Jan 2024
The second one is better
02 Mar 2023
There are many people who diss this game for some surface level flaws, but I tell you the truth, if you keep an open mind (or at least get past the first hour or so of confusion and early onset disappointment), you may be lucky enough to discover a racing game entirely different in its mechanics and feel than any other you've played. My advice is to go to the "Playground" as early as possible, and take some time getting the feel of your car. It also has a really satisfying system of unlocking characters and modes.
08 Aug 2021
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