Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001

03 Aug 2001

PlayStation 2 PlayStation 3 Dreamcast Arcade
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7.5 rating
88 want
366 played
21 playing
31 reviews



Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001 (Millionaire Fighting 2001 in Japan) is the sequel to the fighting game Capcom vs SNK, and the sixth game in the Capcom's VS. Series. This game was released on Sega NAOMI hardware in the arcade. It was later released for the Sega Dreamcast (Japan only) PlayStation 2 and Playstation 3 (as a Playstation 2 Classics title in the PlayStation Network), with the GameCube and Xbox receiving an updated version called Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO.

slide 1 to 4 of 7
One of the greatest fighting games ever made
16 Jun 2024
It was playable.
23 Jan 2024
This game banging not gonna lie
19 Aug 2023
Although I do like the concept of a Capcom and SNK crossover game, I feel that it doesn't have much to separate it from other fighters. The Groove system was... interesting, it just feels odd for kof Characters to be able to parry like in Street Fighter 3. It does have an amazing soundtrack, which is why I'm giving it an 8 and not a 7. 8/10.
29 Nov 2022
Uno de los mejores Fighting games que jugué en mi vida, con un roster perfecto y una Banda Sonora Increíble, Todo el mundo debe jugarlo ❤❤❤
14 Sep 2024
Plataforma: PS2
Nota: 7/10

Passava várias horas jogando isso daqui casualmente quando estava com tédio e não queria jogar nada muito sério.
Nunca fui muito fã de jogos desse estilo pra ficar jogando sozinha e atoa, mas esse daqui eu achava bonzão e me motivava a ficar aprendendo combo pra quando jogasse contra alguém eu ganhasse sempre.

Os gráficos são bem bons e a jogabilidade muito bem fluída.
Divertido tanto para jogar com companhia quanto sozinho.

Voltaria a jogar novamente pela nostalgia, mas não sei se passaria tantas horas quanto eu fazia na infância.
07 Jun 2023
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