Buckshot Roulette

28 Dec 2023

Linux PC (Microsoft Windows)
8.0 rating
291 want
637 played
110 playing
70 reviews
Mike Klubnika
Critical Reflex



Buckshot Roulette is a tabletop horror game that attempts to re-design the infamous game of Russian Roulette, replacing the traditional revolver with a proper 12-gauge pump-action shotgun. This extra firepower, and more importantly the different mechanics in handling a shotgun compared to a revolver, offers a fresh take on the classic and deadly game of chance. The game takes place at the top of an underground nightclub, where the metal railings tremble to the pulse of long lost drum machines. A crooked AI dealer is waiting for you. Will you meet them?

A nice experience
30 Dec 2023
He was so smartass..ngl
It was his chance,he smoked a cigarette,drank two beers,didn't took a look on Shotgun and shot himself on his ugly face.
I cannot fathom myself as I was bursting with farts.
Best 30 minutes of my life.
03 Apr 2024
Interesting idea; Graphics can be more clean and realistic.
20 Feb 2024
Roleta-russa com shotguns.
17 Jan 2024
Fun and addicting
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