Bendy and the Ink Machine

10 Feb 2017

Linux PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac iOS PlayStation 4 Xbox One Nintendo Switch
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8.7 rating
540 want
1199 played
110 playing
74 reviews
TheMeatly Games, Ltd.
Joey Drew Studios
Rooster Teeth Games
TheMeatly Games, Ltd.
Joey Drew Studios


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

7h 25m
100% completion icon

100% completion

13h 28m
Based on 19 answers

Bendy and the Ink Machine is an indie first person puzzle-action-horror game with a unique cartoon atmosphere and an intense, frightening story line that keeps you guessing throughout.

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This was such a fun experience, would love more like it.
02 Feb 2025
This ok game but very confused on the story ending... a little bit.
26 Jan 2025
I experienced this game from the passenger seat as my total non-gamer friend fought her way through wonky controls and a creepy atmosphere.

She loved it. She absolutely loved the game for what it was.

As a gamer, I can see the potential and I can see where it fell short. I can criticise some of the controls and gameplay, but why would I?

I had a BLAST playing this with my friend because she did. Watching her try again and again and slowly getting better at controls she has never touched before in her life was just worth it.

I was frustrated sometimes with how long it took her to get through seemingly easy challenges but I sat tight and validated her struggle and encouraged her until she got it. And that was just amazing to see.

She started with no concept of game design. She assumed things could happen that I knew 100% wouldn't cause there's no chance the devs would put that in the game. She didn't initially know what was able to be interacted with and what wasn't but by the end she had a perfect understanding of it for this game.

Just a lot of player growth.

The game itself is a nice, softly creepy take on Disney and the hellscape that the animation world can be, and I personally really enjoyed the concept. I thought it fell short in some narrative corners and turns but overall I much enjoyed it.

Gameplay is nothing special. But it's fun nonetheless. Though some areas get a bit wonky.

When credits rolled, my friend was ready to boot up the second game so of course I immediately installed it. We shall continue her journey into gaming.
12 Jan 2025
I don't know how I beat this game on PS4 because, let me tell you, that version is so terrible and broken that made me mad some parts here and there.
16 Jul 2024
Horrible gameplay, cool concept
04 Nov 2023
Not scary at all
08 Oct 2023
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