Rise of the Ronin

Rise of the Ronin

22 Mar 2024

PlayStation 5
8.0 rating
3381 want
393 played
197 playing
22 reviews
Sony Interactive Entertainment



Rise of the Rōnin is a combat focused open-world action RPG that takes place in Japan at a time of great change. It is the very end of a 300-year long Edo Period, commonly known as “Bakumatsu”. Set in the late 19th century, Japan is facing the darkest of times as it struggles with its oppressive rulers and deadly diseases while western influence permeates as civil war continues to rage between the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Anti-Shogunate factions.

Graphics aren't great but that's not a dealbreaker for me. The combat looks and feels great but there's nothing else worth seeing in this game. Quickly gets boring.
30 Mar 2024
I've been expecting way more
22 Mar 2024
I got the Platinum trophy of the game, since I obtained a lot of trophies in the end of the game. It may be easy but also rough at same time.

The main story of the game:
It’s decent but not bad as Wo Long and Stranger Of Paradise, yet they didn’t delivered their promise when they said the story will be deeper and the choices may impact the story but unfortunately there’s not. The only impact you’ll get by finishing the bond missions that’s it really. The romance in the game it’s completely a joke that doesn’t impact anything or it will do anything.

The gameplay:
It’s obviously Team Ninja that’s their strength nothing to say about it. I really enjoyed it.

One of the worst aspects in the game
Bland world with Ubisoft stuff divided into 3 maps with repetitive side activities and rough loots.

Overall I enjoyed the game, yet 70$ is too much of such a decent game that can be played on the older generation nothing unique about it. 7 years of development they said such a disappointed really.
10 Apr 2024
Fun game with amazing combat system 👌👌👌
24 Apr 2024
RotR surprised me with how addictive it's open world was. It doesn't do anything particularly original, but what it does do is succinct and fun. Simple, but satisfying.

The combat is mostly good fun too, with typical levels of depth for a Team Ninja game, though I did find the wonky camera to be irritating at times. I also fell out of love with the parry/stamina system, especially in group fights, as I found the flow of the game was interrupted too heavily and frequently when you miss a parry. The stealth mechanics are pretty great, although enemy AI can be abused a bit too easily.

A lot of people complain about the graphics, but I played on Performance mode and found the game to be mostly very pretty to look at. Some of the regions you explore are downright gorgeous, with lots of detailed scenery capturing the period really well. There are rough spots, especially with the wildlife, but overall the graphics were great.

As for the story...I love the period the game is set in and was interested to learn about real historical figures and events, but the fact that almost everyone you meet becomes your buddy that you can give gifts to was kinda ludicrous. It takes some liberties to be sure, and it was overly long, but I can't say I didn't enjoy it for the most part.

RotR is a solid 7/10 experience. If you like the genre or the studio, you should definitely give this a go. Just don't expect anything groundbreaking.
13 Apr 2024
Me gustó Rise of the Ronin! A los fans de Nioh les va a encantar, y a los que les gustan los juegos de acción y soulslike también.

Lo mejor es el sistema de combate y la ambientación histórica, que son profundos y desafiantes. La mecánica de vínculos es bacán y afecta a la historia de una forma que no he visto en ningún otro juego. Me ha sorprendido harto, la verdad, aunque al principio no me convencía.

Lo que falla es el apartado gráfico, que no está a la altura de otros juegos de PlayStation Studios, y el mundo abierto, que es un poco simple y tiene muy poca variedad de misiones.

Si buscas un juego con un combate brutal y te gusta la onda samurai y el Japón feudal, Rise of the Ronin es recomendable. Pero si quieres un mundo abierto enorme con mil cosas que hacer, o eres muy ezigente con los gráficos, te puede decepcionar.

- Combate brutal y desafiante
- Ambientación histórica
- Mecánica de vínculos muy original

- Gráficos no a la altura
- Mundo abierto fome
- Misiones secundarias repetitiva
27 Apr 2024
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